11 Mar 2020 Geneva, Switzerland - Swiss authorities have maintained that the conditions in Switzerland as regards COVID-19 is a special situation under the Swiss Epidemics Act. There are over six hundred (600) confirmed cases of COVID-19 within Swiss borders, and four (4) deaths, one (1) in Vaud, one (1) in Ticino and two (2) in Basel.
Swiss authorities have taken unprecedented measures to slow the spread of COVID-19. There are currently no travel restrictions for entry into Switzerland, according to the Federal Office of Public Health. New measures would be considered if authorities determine that virus transmission is not under control. Large-scale events involving more than 1,000 people have been banned effective until 15 March 2020, when the policy will be reviewed. Several meetings and conferences in Geneva have been postponed to a later date, as a result of this precautionary measure.
It has come to the attention of the Philippine Consulate General that local authorities have also been in contact with community organizations to recall previously-issued permits for public events, in the interest of slowing down the rate of infections within the community.
The Philippine Mission to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva and the Philippine Consulate General, Geneva ask the Filipino communities in Geneva and Vaud to follow the guidance and advice given by national and local public health authorities on how to protect yourself and others from COVID-19.
In light of the spread of COVID-19 in Switzerland, we urge the Community to:
Protect yourself and Others If you are unwell, stay home! Forego consular transactions for another day. Call your health care professional, the COVID Hotline (+41(0) 58 463 0000, or Medical Emergency Switzerland 114. The symptoms of COVID-19 include fever tiredness, and dry cough. According to the WHO “anyone with even a mild cough or low-grade fever (37.3 C or more) needs to stay at home.” Our personnel and our clientele include persons who have an elevated vulnerability to COVID-19, meaning they are above 60 years of age, or have underlying health conditions. Exposure to the virus can have serious consequences. In line with guidance from public health authorities, clients who visit the Consulate while exhibiting symptoms consistent with COVID-19 will be asked to go into temporary isolation within the premises, while the response from Medical Emergency Services are awaited. As a further consequence of possible infection, all services will be suspended for at least five (5) days while personnel of the Consulate General go into self-isolation; and, premises are disinfected. Such a situation would put undue strain on our ability to provide public service. To enable us to maintain services for all, we urgently appeal to members of the community to be mindful and responsible for themselves and for others. For urgently needed consular cases, please call us at 022-716-1930, 022-9001395 or 079-1369114, send us an email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or reach out to us through our FB page (Philippine Mission to the United Nations and Consulate General in Geneva) |
The Philippine Mission and the Consulate General in Geneva is implementing a phased response to this situation, specifically:
Phase 1: Preliminary Precautions to Reduce Exposure, may come into effect while schools and offices remain open. Consular services – regular schedule will be maintained for the time being. Weekend Open House Consular Services – suspended until further notice. Phase 2: Increased vigilance, may come into effect should cantonal authorities declare a suspension of work in Geneva. Under these conditions, the Consulate General will only be able to provide Consular Services on a Restricted basis. Walk in services will no longer be entertained. All transactions will be entertained on appointment-basis only. Phase 3: Heightened Response, may come into effect should personnel of the Mission and Consulate contract the infection. Under these conditions, the operations of the Consulate General will be suspended, except for emergency cases. Transactions will be entertained on an as-needed, appointment-basis only. |
As schools and offices in Geneva remain open, the Philippine Mission to the UN and other International Organizations in Geneva and the Philippine Consulate General, Geneva are in Phase 1 of the preparedness plan. We will continue to update the community on developments that may lead us to reassess the situation.
Kababayans are advised to seek information from reliable and trusted sources, including the World Health Organization and the Swiss Federal Government for information relevant to your place of work and residence. Regular updates may be found on the website of the WHO (https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/advice-for-public) and the website of the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health https://www.bag.admin.ch/bag/en/home.html).
We assure the community that assistance, to the extent possible, will be provided by the Philippine government to nationals in need. We are consulting community organizations on the appropriate response to COVID-19. END